This past weekend I realised that my next big life change is approaching much sooner than I had previously registered… Three weeks (or less) from today my family will grow to included a brand new little bundle of joy.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 7:30 AM my wife “T” is sceduled to go in for a Caesarian-section — her second* — to bring out little sprout… we don’t know the sex of the baby yet. Little “L” was also born à la Caesarian almost two years ago… so his birthday party is coming up pretty soon too.
Life is pretty busy right now so I may not be able to post much before-hand but I will the day to let y’all know.
*Apparently, there are four different shapes to women’s pelvises… one of which is not baby-delivery-friendly. That’s “T”… so all babies are to be Caesarian. Which is why this will be our last one… the first took its toll.
Awwww … how exciting! Good luck with everything. I've heard that the 2nd c-section is easier? We'll see for me, too, I have one of those non-delivery-friendly pelvises, also – so I'm doomed to a life of c-section babies also!
And an excellent choice for a birthday! Although I was born at 2:03am on the 17th, probably not a convenient time to schedule a surgery 🙂
Erin: Thanks. We’re kinda banking on the second time being easier. First time “T” was in labour for 24 hours before they decided to go to C-section… so she was hurtin’ for a while after that. Plus little “L” was jaundice which meant she had to nurse him every 1:30 whether he was sleeping or not, which ultimately made for a v’tired “T”.Laurel: 2:03 AM would actually be way more convenient because we have to be there two hours before the surgery… which means we have to coordinate being at the hospital for 5:30 for the surgery and getting little “L” to daycare for 8:00-ish. Still haven’t figured that one out completely…–steelie
You know we're here for any help you may need… other than the nursing. 😛
Yay! I'm so excited for you guys. 🙂 Good luck!
I can't wait to meet munchkin numéro deux! Yuppiee! (I also can't wait to know that everything went smoothly and that the Lady isn't as burnt as last time 'round…because I'm certain that's the way it's gonna be!)Can I come home and be your nanny?
Good Luck with the C-Section! Been there done that.. Hope everything goes smoothly for You and T.
Mouse: Thanks. Good to know. We may very well take you up on that. Consider yourselves “on call”. ;O)
Jen: Yay! Thanks to you… we’re pretty excited too… first
time we were… well… well, nothing can prepare you for being a first
time parent. We knew our lives were going to change but at the same
time we had no odea how much. This time we feel like pros — bags are
all packed and plans are in place.
Sem: You and me both… once again, as Dad (to-be) I’ve been
forced to sit on the sidelines for nine months and wait… That’s my
lot for now. There is only so many times you can ask, “Is there
anything I can get for you?” before it gets annoying. ;O) BTW, you can
be the nanny whenever you come home… look forward to seeing you.
KeyLimeTwist: Thanks for the kind wishes. It seems like the more people I talk to, the more common C-sections are. My brother’s wife had two as well. I neighboured you too. :O)–steelie
Did the chocolate bar help? I'm sooo excited for you guys…Yipee.And also, it's killing me not to know what the name is going to be. I'm here if you guys need anything at all. Not sure what I can do, but the offer is out there.BTW (haha) I watched the first 4 episodes of Veronica Mars tonight. It was at Rogers after all and it AWESOME! 🙂 I'll try not to rent the rest of them, I promise.