Dairy-free Chocoholic…

Okay, so I love my chocolate… especially dairy-free chocolate (me lactose-intolerant boy). I always find it hard to turn down the dairy-free chocolate… [sigh].

A co-worker showed up today with two containers of one-bite brownies leftover from a presentation/party/function-of-some-sort and she was trying to pawn them off on someone. I performed the standard lactose-intolerant-ingredient-scan before I agreed to anything I might have regretted later. To my absolute delight, these one-bite brownies were dairy-free. I decided to take a few — they are litterally only good for only one bite each.

Well… I was encouraged to take more.

So… I went to take more (I honest-to-God have a problem turning down dairy-free chocolate).

I was encouraged to take even more…

So, I just smiled and grabbed the one of two containers that had fewer brownies in it, while the other one was placed on the counter at the front entrance of our office… on the way to the washrooms… see where I'm going with this?

Okay, so now I have at least a dozen brownies at my desk and I know that I will have to use the washroom a few times today… I just heave a large sigh and concede to the fact that I will have way too many brownies today…

And yup… I did. At last count I had eaten sixteen brownies… I'm quite sure I ate at least twenty.

I feel kinda gross now.

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  1. Ok, Mr. Design guy, you gotta help me here! How do I make my blog look less ugly?!?! This is always the frustration – the aesthetics. That's why I abandoned MySpace the first time.

    So were they as good as two-bite brownies, the Superstore special? You're funny, buddy. You always know how to make me laugh! And you designers and chocolate! What is it?! (b.rad's got the same addiction, did I ever tell you that?)

    I miss you guys. I sure do.

  2. The brownies were pretty much the same as our Superstore special… actually I couldn't tell the difference. Yum in the Tum!

    Okay… now what do you mean by ugly. What do you see and what do you want to change? I'll see what I can do in terms of advice.


    [Hooray for Shay!]

  3. Okay, I'm confused!! I just posted a response to your comment on my picture…but I think it's on my site so you're not gonna know it's there??? I feel dumb…

    My blog is too bold. Is there anyway I can get in and change the html coding (am I using the right terminology?)? I did that with MySpace (although I've never learned html…I just put my mind to it) but I haven't yet found that on this site. Yeah, I like the red but the flowers are a bit too hippy for my liking…

    How's the fam. My sis said that lady luck is already at basketball phase if not beachball!! I'm sooooooooo sad I'm missing this. Send me pictures, yes?

    a wheely for steelie! (but I can't do wheelies…)

  4. I just changed to another layout. It's less in your face. Better but not best! But I'd still like your input, if you're so willing.

    And why is it yelling at me for using Safari?

  5. When I log into VOX it takes me to a general "MyVOX" type page that shows me the latest comments and posts from all member of my neighbourhood… including all replies to comments I had made elsewhere… including your pic.

    I see you know way more than I about the re-coding of the blog site… I've been meaning to attempt it over at my LiveJournal blog but just haven't managed to get around to it yet. YOu may be disappointed to find that I don't think they plan on allowing re-coding… or at least not yet. Unfortunately, still in the preview phase.

    Regarding, Safari… again still in the preview phase. VOX is trying to make the experience as effort-free for everyone a lot of people want to be able to blog but not have to learn HTML. So, they've disabled it in exchange for an awesome WYSIWYG interface which is unfortunately, Safari unfriendly. Not VOX's fault though… in the grand attempt to find the best family blog site, I must have tested at least fifteen different blog platforms. Any of them that have a WSYIWYG Rich-text editor has issues with Safari — it's the way Safari's wired… I love Apple but sometimes I wonder…

    The “fam” is great. “T” is feeling much bigger this time around than she did with “L” (The lady would prefer that I not disclose much about her online so I just refer to her as “T” and the littlin’ as “L”… sprout-on-the-way as “X” for now).

    I will send/post pictures… you are in my Family Neighbourhood too so I could restrict viewing to that circle… you included. 🙂

    I'm going to have to try the video upload as well because we have a good little one of “L” vacuuming the kitchen… wish you were here too. You are back in November, no?


  6. Yes, back in November for a conference. And you must certainly post a video!! I watch the sign-language on every once in a while when I'm feeling particularly fairy godmum-ish. Got the latest photo in the mail. I squealed.

    GO TO BED! You, unlike me, will probably really suffer from such a late night!!!

    But at the same time, this is fun!

  7. Late-night freelance stuff… makes for a tired steelie. That being said, I'm getting the files ready for the printer. 😀

    It always feels good to get to this point with a project.

    You're right, this is fun. I'm a recent blog-junkie… might like it a bit too much.


  8. Yeah, me too. Blog-aholic. This is my third. Much cooler people here which is nice.

    BTW, what's up with the red nose?

  9. Hmmmmm….sounds absolutely yummy to me. Don't know them though…but I guess I could bake some brownies myself and cut them into only bite-size pieces that would be just enough for a bite each. Hmmmmm…I'm getting hungry.

    Although, I don't have any lactose-intolerance.

  10. Hey Sem,

    I forgot to reply to question a while back regarding the nose…

    A while ago, at work, our department had an open house for the rest of the Atlantic Service Centre. We decided that we would all put up photo-name-plates on each our cubicles so people could see who sat where. I had my actor’s headshot that “T” had taken — which I love — but it’s a much more serious looking side of me than I felt I usually am. Don't get me wrong, it’s perfect for a headshot, just for this event I thought I would make it a bit more… me.

    In and around that time, I started to dabble with blogging over at WordPress.com. Soon after that, at the recommendation of a friend I moved over to Livejournal.com where I suddenly “needed” a userpic. I wasn’t sure how much of myself I wanted to share as first (still not entirely sure) so I chose to go with a strategically cropped version of this image.

    I like the red nose now… I think it’s something I’m going to keep for while. It feels very…

    me. :0)


  11. It's totally you! But it's even funnier because I've seen the entire shot (without the nose). The combination of the two is just perfect. And it is a lovely headshot. Your lady's got talent!


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