Just enough people watched “Nobody’s Watching”…

Well, this makes me very happy…

Not too long ago, I, along with 400,000+ other people were introduced to a canned-pilot-of-a-show called Nobody’s Watching. It was posted “anonymously” (actually by its creator, Bill Lawrence, creator of NBC’s Scrubs) to YouTube.com in three parts, in an attempt to introduce it to an audience that otherwise might have never of heard it. I laughed out loud… at work… repeatedly.

TV.com gives this summary of the show's premise:

“Two guys from Ohio, life-long best friends and devoted TV watchers are unimpressed by the quality of the current sitcoms on TV, far from the classics of old. They send a tape expressing this to all the Network executives in Hollywood and finally the WB answers the call.

The Network challenges them to come up with a better sitcom, and while they do that, they'll work and live on a studio soundstage, in front of cameras and a live studio audience.

While they create a sitcom, it turns out they actually ARE the sitcom. They are always on camera and under the constant supervision and manipulation of the network execs.”

Well, it appears that this once-canned-pilot is finally getting its big shot.

I’m laughing at the thought of it already… Here is the pilot in three parts, if you haven't seen it already… and if you didn’t know about LJ’s YouTube.com integration yet… Enjoy. ;D

(heh heh heh)

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  1. last line in this entry is a reference to Livejournal still…. seems a little odd in a vox post. 😀

    and how do you feel about the new wider layout of VOX? I'm not enjoying it personally. If it were a liquid layout, and resized with the window, I'd be fine with it, but right now, It's too big for my small laptop screen.

  2. DO you have to scroll horozontally? That would suck… mine’s fine but I still don’t like the way it looks. Everything used to be nice and compact now it feels too spread out.

    Don’t these people know anything about designing with principles of accesability in mind? What about minimizing unecessarily wide colums of text for improved legibility? 😉

    …spending too much time at work?

    Still don’t like it… I’m thinking of trying one of the three-column options to get my narrower main column back.

    If you hve to scroll horizontally I would send some “feedback” complaining explaining your situation.

  3. You're all about the feedback!

    -THE voxen.


  4. Hey. Just saw your comment over on my blog…my first comment. Woohoo! 🙂 Anyway, I'm actually in the process of moving all of my former blog over here to Vox, mainly because of the tag feature. But yes, I always like to meet fellow Scrubs watchers…and I'm so excited that NBC was smart enough (for a change) to pick up Nobody's Watching — that show is hilarious! I neighbored you back, btw. 🙂

  5. Great! Yeah, I noticed you were doing the mass update thing after a bit… I was getting confused… I’m tired and confusion comes easily these days. When I first saw your post it was one where you were quoting JD and TCW the I went back to comment on it and it was suddenly 5 entries down… then all of the dates seems out of whack… I thought VOX had some new “shuffle” thing implemented… me not so smrt.I enjoy your writing style.I’ll keep checking in.–steelie

  6. Aw, glad someone is reading this stuff other than various people related to me (who, you know, are guilted into it). So if you like Scrubs and Nobody's Watching, do you like stuff like Arrested Development and The Office? I just recently got into The Office (US version) because I love John Krasinski, but my friend tells me I should check out the British version as well.
    Anywho, hope your all-nighter's going well.

  7. You should definitley checkout the British version of The Office. IMHO, it was way better than the first season of the American version… I think that’s mostly because the American version was almost a carbon-copy of the British show which, unfortunately, forces you to make the direct comparison between the two.One thing the British version did better than the American version (first season anyway) was the eye-contact with the camera was much more frequent which made you feel more like it was a “real” office space… more like it was a documentary. The American version nailed it in the second season though.I haven’t been able to see as much of the American The Office as my other full-time jobs is that of Dad so me must pick me shows carefully… usually only enough time/energy for one show per night:Monday: Nip/Tuck (a guilty pleasure that can’t miss)Tuesday: Scrubs (a must, I’ll lose sleep to see it)Wednesday: Open for now…Thursday: My Name is Earl (the only show on television that is about someone actively trying to the right thing — every episode — which I love); The Office (if I can stay up that late — unfortunately the one that gets missed occasionally); CSI (the original — often missed since opposite Earl)Friday: Open for nowI try to take weekends off when possible so I haven’t gone looking for shows to watch.Must get back to work.–steelie

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