The “Blog IT” test…

This is just a quick test to see how well the Blog IT application for Facebook works. It was developed by the lovely Six Apart team (Vox, TypePad, etc.).

I have been completely all over the place in terms of my e-life lately — not really committing to any one service but signing up for and testing far too many (Vox, LiveJournal,, Twitter, Pownce, Plurk, Jaiku, ipernity,, among others). The Blog IT application, from what I understand, is supposed to help curb some of the of head-spinning by offering a one-stop posting shop. This is just a test post so, I’m not going to get into any personal updates or stories incase until I know what it can do and what its limitations are.

So, yeah… you may see some pseudo-repetitive test like this until I can make up my mind, as there don’t appear to be any “Viewable by” filters built into the application. Feel free to ignore these. Or, if you have any experience using Blog IT, feel free to offer any tips that’ll help me make-up my mind quicker… one way or the other.

YouTube embed test:

Skitch embed test:

Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

I’ll be testing more soon/later. I know you’re all just too giddy about it to contain yourselves.



The YouTube embed code didn’t work… odd.
I’ll try just the URL next time.
Peace x2

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Question about viewing videos on VOX… input appreciated…

[Okay… I’ve reworked this a bit since the first time I wrote it… title included. I hope it makes more sense now]

When you go to watch a video post on someone’s VOX, how much or how little does it bother you when the video doesn’t start playing right there in the person’s blog, but instead launches a new window and plays at the video-sharing site where the video was originally posted?

There are better quality video hosting sites than iFilm and YouTube out there that are not VOX compatible but are compatable with other blog platforms (that allow unanamous comments — which is why I use them too). Instead of having to upload videos to multiple video sharing platforms to satisfy multiple blogs, would you mind if, instead of the video playing right in VOX, you were redirected to another site (VideoEgg, Revver…) to watch the video?

Any and all feedback would be appreciated… Also, it’d be great it if anyone would be willing to pass this question along… I’d be curious to see what as many people as possible thought. It will help inform how/where I’ll post videos in the future.



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Google Aquires YouTube for $1.65 Billion in stocks…

Wow, Google is becoming harder and harder to avoid…

Google just aquired YouTube for $1.65 Billion in stocks. There goes one of my time killers. Some of you might already know that I’ve been boycotting the big “G” since I found out about the whole Google-China censorship ordeal. Eventually this whole boycott will become pointless because according to, apparently APPLE is in talks with Google about streaming video for their upcoming iTV…


I have an Apple computer. I need my computer to make a living. I need to make a living to provide for my family. Needless to say, I’m not prepared to not make a living for my family. At some point I’m going to be using Google services — directly or indirectly — whether I want to or not. I’m sure I’m using their services indirectly right now, just uncertain as to where or how.



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Just enough people watched “Nobody’s Watching”…

Well, this makes me very happy…

Not too long ago, I, along with 400,000+ other people were introduced to a canned-pilot-of-a-show called Nobody’s Watching. It was posted “anonymously” (actually by its creator, Bill Lawrence, creator of NBC’s Scrubs) to in three parts, in an attempt to introduce it to an audience that otherwise might have never of heard it. I laughed out loud… at work… repeatedly. gives this summary of the show's premise:

“Two guys from Ohio, life-long best friends and devoted TV watchers are unimpressed by the quality of the current sitcoms on TV, far from the classics of old. They send a tape expressing this to all the Network executives in Hollywood and finally the WB answers the call.

The Network challenges them to come up with a better sitcom, and while they do that, they'll work and live on a studio soundstage, in front of cameras and a live studio audience.

While they create a sitcom, it turns out they actually ARE the sitcom. They are always on camera and under the constant supervision and manipulation of the network execs.”

Well, it appears that this once-canned-pilot is finally getting its big shot.

I’m laughing at the thought of it already… Here is the pilot in three parts, if you haven't seen it already… and if you didn’t know about LJ’s integration yet… Enjoy. ;D

(heh heh heh)

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