Google Aquires YouTube for $1.65 Billion in stocks…

Wow, Google is becoming harder and harder to avoid…

Google just aquired YouTube for $1.65 Billion in stocks. There goes one of my time killers. Some of you might already know that I’ve been boycotting the big “G” since I found out about the whole Google-China censorship ordeal. Eventually this whole boycott will become pointless because according to, apparently APPLE is in talks with Google about streaming video for their upcoming iTV…


I have an Apple computer. I need my computer to make a living. I need to make a living to provide for my family. Needless to say, I’m not prepared to not make a living for my family. At some point I’m going to be using Google services — directly or indirectly — whether I want to or not. I’m sure I’m using their services indirectly right now, just uncertain as to where or how.



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