The Sign [GC1HVAZ]

Found this one on the way over to bob[+agnes]’s house for some UFC action.I didn’t realize that the log’s pages weren’t fastened together. I didn’t lose any pages but it was windy so, I wasn’t able to put the log back as neatly as I had found it for fear of some blowing away.

Nice-n-quick. 🙂


the peanut test…

So, my wife and I finally go around to doing something we've been "putting off" for a little while now… We took the boys, now two and four, to the local childrens hospital's emergency room parking lot and fed them peanut butter.

You see, my younger brother is gravely allergic to peanuts — swollen toungue, pale complexion, nausea, throat closes over — y'know, the whole package. We've been living essentially peanut-free ever since my wife realized she was pregnant because if it. We were told that the allergy being in my family meant our [future] children could

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so long lj…

Well, I've been contemplating this for a while… but I think it's finally time to leave LiveJournal behind. The only thing I use it for lately — as in the past few years — is reading other peoples' updates.
I'll still keep the account active but will likely never use it again.
I spent my "coffee break" this afternoon adding all my friends' blog-feeds to my Google Reader. BTW, the Google Reader app for the iPhone/Touch is pretty flawless.
I'll miss my lj-friends that were "friends only" but the main few I followed don't use it anymore either.
And so, LiveJournal, after all these years… I bid thee a fond fairwell.

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back into the geo-swing of things…

Aaahhh! Finally back into the swing of geocaching. I hadn’t really gone out with the intent of caching since the time I had brought my two toddlers with me and ended up splitting my hand open — good times.

In the last week, however, I’ve logged a handful of caches and I’m really looking to find more. I’ve even been spending my “coffee breaks” at work scouting locations where I could hide my own caches. I have a sweet potential hiding-spot already in mind.

Picked up “Switch the Furness Back On” [GC1FCFJ] on the way into work this morning. Nice sometimes just to pick up an easy one.


Don’t Throw Stones [GC145W2]


Man, I had been away from caching for so long that I had forgotten about a long-ago hunch on this one. I *may* have forgotten to log all the actual 6-8 “Did not finds”… *oops* …but it’s tough to not look down on yourself after so many failed attempts.

And of course, now that I know where this one is I can see it plain as day. Love it. Oh, and for what it‘s worth. The directions given ARE correct.

Ridiculously please to have this one out of the way.


missed the boat…

Well… I tried to get out of the house early this morning in an attempt to get to get into work early. Mental note: the bus that *used* to go all the way down to ferry terminal, no longer does. Instead it drops you off somewhere near the A&W encouraging (read "forces") you engage in an early morning 300 m dash where you have but a glimmer of hope of catching the ferry. And by "but a glimmer of" I mean, "no chance in hell of".

So, *clearly* that means I'll need to leave the house five minutes earlier, forget the bus and huff my sorry backside down to the ferry terminal on foot. I guess that'll work… It *was* my New Year's resolution to get back into shape. :^)


Posted by ShoZu

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