The Vinyl Cafe…

I know have a favourite thing to do on my way into work Mondays morning’s… listening to the most recent podcast from CBC’s Vinyl Cafe as read by Stuart McLean. “The Vinyl Cafe stories are about Dave… Dave's wife, Morley, their two children, Sam and Stephanie, and assorted friends and neighbours.”

I used to listen to this show on CBC radio all the time. The way that Stuart McLean reads these stories are as charming and as much a part of the experience as the stories themselves. You can’t help but feel like you’ve known the characters your whole life.

With the TV/radio programming virtually always set to appease the wee lads, it’s been a long time (probably years) since I’ve been able to tune in. Hooray for the podcasts!

Here’s one of my recent favourites, it’s from last week, simply titled “Wally”.

CBC Vinyl Cafe - Wally (2008-03-08)
CBC Radio: Vinyl Cafe Stories

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steelie twidbits…

Some twitter bits from yesterday…

  • 08:34 Sitting at work while Mommy takes baby boy to the hospital… he’s thrown-up in his crib two nights in a row… little worried.
  • 09:31 Baby X has a viral flu and has to stay home from day-care today. Hopefully he and Mommy will get some much needed rest…
  • 10:15 A free coffee is always a great way to start off the day… Thanks, Mr. Miko!

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steelie twidbits…

Some twitter bits from yesterday…

  • 08:46 I’m thinking I might have to go for a coffee sooner than later…
  • 11:37 Now a proud owner of a new free iPod Nano, compliments of my lovely wife and her ability to sell cameras… :^D
  • 16:07 This feels like the slowest 30 minutes of my life… the weekend can’t get here soon enough… me sleepy…

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